Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tantric Texts & The 5 Keys

KUMBAKAS should be practiced four times a day...dawn midday, sunset midnight
this will lead to nadi purification after four months

when through application of practice of kumbackas, the yogi can hold his breath for one darna, he should them use the syllable of Om to destroy the groups of karma. the yogi should prepare his body in such a way that he can experience the results of his karma. 

4 postures

banhdas/mudraswhich bear fruit
  • mahabandha
  • mahamudra 
  • vedha
  • yonimudra
  • padmasana
kekchari mudra

vajroli mudra
  • good for householder
    • first the wise yogi should carefully and correctly draw up through his urethra the generative fluid from a woman's vagina and make it enter his body
    • after awakening his semen, he should start to move his penis.
    • if by chance his semen should move upwards it can be stopped with the YONI MUDRA
    • he should draw his semen onto the left side, remove his penis from the vagina for a moment, and then start having intercourse again
    • following his gurus instructions, the yogi should draw up hgis apana wind and with the sound hum hum forcibly extract the generative fluid from the yoni
    • know semen to be lunar and the generative fluid to be solar
    • one should strive to combine them both in ones own body I am semen, the goddess is the generative fluid, when both are combined, the body of the practicing yogi is devine
  • death arises through the falling of semen, life when it is retained, therefore, one should do ones ut,most to retain ones semen
sahajoli and amaroli
  • if his semen should accidentally enter the vagina, then the resultant combination of the moon and the sun is called amaroli and he should suck it up throuhgh his uretha.
  • practice by holding back urine and then letting it go bit by bit

when his semen moves, the yogi should restrain it with yoni mudra. this us called sahajoli mudra

when the yogi concentrates on that sound and remains deeply immersed in it, there arises success in layla

when the mind of the yogi is completely at rest in that nada, he forgets everything outside of him and finds peace together with the nada

there is no asana like siddha, no force like breath retention, no mudra like kekchari, and no layla like nada

when the yogi visualizes the eye of shiva, as an aperture in his skull, then there arises a shining light as brilliant as a ball of lightening . then when the wise man continually performs this visualization, he is sure to see and speak with the adepts

The yoni is brilliant with white light and contains four syllables starting with va and ending with sa (va sha, ca, sa) and has four petals. Above that is a sparkling light taught to be the wandering bija of kama (desire)


Gheranda Samhita
The seven means of PERFECTION of the body.
purification, strength, steadiness,calmness, lightness, realization, and abstraction are the seven means of perfecting the body
the six cleansing techniques bring about purification and asanas bring about strength; mudras bring about steadiness and pratyahara brings about calmness.From pranayama lightness arises and fron dhyana realization of the self. Through samadhi arises abstraction and liberation itself; in this there is no doubt.

6 cleansing:
dauti, basti, neti, trataka, kapalabhati

32 postures

wherever the yogi may be, he should always, in everything he does, be sure to keep the tongue turned upward and constantly hold the breath.
the yogi should apply pressure to the perineum with his left heel and carefully push the navel plexus against the spine. he should tightly press the penis with the right heel. This mudra destroys decrepitude and is called mulabandha
with the ankle of his left foot the wise yogi shoul block the anus, and with the right foot he shouls carefully press down on the left ankle. he should slowly move his heelabout, gently contract the perieum and hold the breath in jalandharabandha. This is called mahabandha
assume mahabandha and hold the breath while applying uddiyanabhanda. This is aclled mahavedha.

mulabandha and mahabandha without mahavedha are like the beauty, youth and charm of a woman without a man.

the yogi should regularly cut the tendon beneath the tongue and move the tongue about. he should milk it with fresh butter and pull it with iron tongs. By regular practice in this way, the tongue becomes long. When it reaches between the eyebrows, kekchari is perfected.
gently insert the tongue into the base on the palate. when the tongue is turned back into the cavity of the skull and the gaze is directed between the eyebrows, that is KEKCHARIMUDRA

Viparitakarani mudra (shoulderstand)

having drawn in prana with repeated applications of KAKIMUDRA, he should then join it with apana and meditate on the six chakras in succession. Using the mantra HUM and HAMSA, the wise yogi should bring the sleeping serpent goddess to consciousness and raise her, together with jiva to the highest lotus.

having himself now become made of AHAKTI, he should visualize supreme union with SHIVA, as well as various pleasures, enjoyment and ultimate bliss.

boat pose with hands on the ground

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